Application for the EJPO-workshop

  • male female
  • (This information is important for planning and only required if you are staying at the boarding school. It does not have any influence on the cost.)
  • I informed myself properly about the organisation (and payments falling due it) and the offered ensembles.

  • I read theinstrumental requirements and my skills fulfill those.

  • I agree to the following conditions without exception:
    • It is not allowed to smoke or consume alcohol at the musical, professional and boarding school.
    • On loss, theft or damage on the instrument or other assets of the student, the orchestra management assumes no liability!
    • The orchestra management assumes no liability for any incidents caused by violation of the agreed boarding school rules.
    • In case of a justified cancellation of the participation the course fee can only be fully returned before June 7th, 2024. After this date 50% of the fee will be withhold. For cancellations after August 1st, 2024 no refunds are possible (except for the case of illness).